Oct 14, 2022
...and picks up one of Chowan Discovery's document collections for scanning.
At Chowan Discovery, we can't digitize all of documents related to the Winton Triangle's history - at least not yet. So, DigitalNC, based at UNC-Chapel, visited us in Cofield, NC for a Winton Triangle tour in order to get a better idea of one of our collections. Led by Lisa Gregory and accompanied by Alona Norwood and Kirsten Merryman, the team was taken to sites related to 1586, the Civil War Era, Reconstruction and into the Civiil Rights Era. We also met with the leadership of the Improved and Benevolent Order of Elks of the World at their national headquarters in Winton, NC. We were shown the Elks historical exhibit room and talked about the Elks' history and of digitization possibilities.
One the collection is digitized, Marvin will write a narrative that describes the collection. Both the digital documents and narrative will be made available to the public. More to come.