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Chowan Discovery in San Antonio

Marvin Tupper Jones

Mar 26, 2024

Four CDG lectures for St. Mary's University

February 2024: In conjunction with a US Park Service Underground Railroad grant, St. Mary’s University of San Antonio hosted four of Marvin’s lectures.  The first two, “Haiti and the Civil War” and “The Winton Triangle’s Families of USCTs” were delivered online in January.

In February, after ceremonies honoring the enslaved at the site of a former slave market, the next lecture, “The Indomitable Parker David Robbins” was given.  The next day, Marvin advised a graduate student on the writing of a grant proposal.

On the last day, Marvin finished with “The Juneteenth Soldiers of Northeastern North Carolina”.  After they took part in the surrender of Richmond, Robbins and other Winton Triangle area soldiers served in Texas during the time of Juneteenth, so it was fitting that a Texas university acknowledged the service of our North Carolina Juneteenth soldiers.

Photograph: After the last lecture, Marvin accepted a motor scooter ride from host, Dr. Teresa Van Hoy of St. Mary's University.

Paints and Brush
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